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Why we only grind coffee on demand.

We understand that not all of our customers own a bean grinder, and that is why we only grind on request.

Why don't we offer both as a standard in our webshop? The answer is very simple: coffee loses its aromas very quickly after it is ground. After 15 minutes, your specialty coffee, which so many people have lovingly worked to create, has lost its essence. And we think that's a pity. Similarly: if you buy a good bottle of wine in a store, you will not receive it uncorked. That is why we want to further encourage the use of coffee beans.

A good coffee grinder does not necessarily have to be expensive. There are also accessible models on the market for beginners.  On our website you can find the ones we offer.

In addition to the loss of quality, it is also very important that you have control over how fine or coarse your coffee is ground, because that has a huge impact on the final taste. How so? We explain this in this article: 'The importance of a good coffee grinder.'

Why we only grind coffee on demand.
Sara Moors July 5, 2023
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